Are You Using the Forrest Gump Strategy?


Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.

Leaving your business health and growth to chance will result in “never knowing what you’re gonna get.”
The best way for you to predict the future is to create it!

Creating a strategy for your business is more than what I like to call “doing the do.”  Now I know that may sound a little gross, but maybe you can relate more when I put it this way – doing customer service, doing networking, doing social media, doing events – the act of doing without knowing why you’re doing it other than you think you should be.
Does this relate to you?

You can be like Forrest Gump and just take whatever you get.
You can change how you do things and your approach.

By creating a clear and concise strategic plan, you set the course for your business. Your vision, mission, goals and action plan will provide you with the mindset and tools for success.

Strategic planning provides a format to guide your business through a systematic process to establish measurable and attainable results. The core components of any plan include the following:

  • Vision Statement
  • Values & Principles
  • External Assessment
  • Competitive and Trend Analysis
  • Internal Appraisal
  • Strengths, Limitations, Opportunities and Threats
  • Mission Statement
  • Critical Goal Categories
  • Organizational Goals
  • Market and Sales Plans
  • Implementation

So why are you willing to settle for the coconut cream when you really wanted the caramel?


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