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Business Dig: Navigating Entrepreneurship with Strategy and Mindset


In this episode of Business Dig, we welcome Clara Rose and Debbie Clement-Large, co-authors of the book, "8 Ways to Mind Your Own Business: Strategy and Mindset for the New Entrepreneur."

Clara Rose is the Founder and CEO of Intentional Influence, a division of Clara Rose & Company, a consulting practice focused on writing, speaking, and leadership. Clara works with individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, and corporations who want to strategically and intentionally cultivate their influence.

Debbie Clement-Large is the Founder of Why Follow the Herd, and internationally recognized and award-winning Life and Leadership coaching practice, focusing on traditional coaching and spiritual psychology. Debbie works with individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses to help them live and work in a wholehearted way.

In today’s broadcast. Clara and Debbie will share their valuable insights from their respective points of view to guide new entrepreneurs in the direction of fulfilling their passion in life. Clara takes the nuts and bolts approach to getting your business off the ground while Debbie helps you discover whether your mindset is supporting or sabotaging your journey, which is the focus of their new book. And the book,8 Ways to Mind Your Own Business: Strategy and Mindset for the New Entrepreneurs, now available on Amazon.

We invite you to watch as we discuss the following topics:

  • Clara wrote her first book when she was 11. The beginning of her understanding that she wanted to write and was an author at heart. Has a passion for the written word.
  • Clara started her first business at 18 years old. It was the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey and she has been an entrepreneur her entire life.
  • Clara’s current business helps people gain influence using the written word.
  • Debbie became interested in personal development after her father passed away at 15 years old. Started reading personal development books to help with confidence and self-esteem.
  • Debbie followed the path of what was expected and took on the corporate job. Ended up working in finance. Questioned why she was doing this. She loved helping her staff and coached them holistically.
  • Organizations went through restructures. Debbie worked in transformation and change and became a business analyst. Started coaching corporately. Wanted to make a difference but the corporation wouldn’t support it, so she started her own business.
  • Debbie wrote six books in adult fiction early on but hadn’t found her voice yet. Studying spiritual psychology felt like coming home to her and she started to write again. She set up a mastermind group also at this time. She met Clara and felt she was the right partner to write the book.
  • Clara had already created a business builder program but it wasn’t selling. When she met Debbie, she knew she had the missing piece in what she was teaching. It was a natural collaboration.
  • Clara says it’s not enough to have just the nuts and bolts. We self sabotage all the time. Having both sides is the perfect combination.
  • Debbie works with business coaches and finds that clients’ don’t do the work. If we have resistance to something, we have a belief system in the way. When we become consciously aware we have a choice to change.
  • Clara sees the number one mistake entrepreneurs don’t start with the end in mind. They start building a business and recognize that they don’t love what they’re doing. In the beginning, know what you want your day-to-day activities to be. Don’t create something you don’t love.
  • Debbie adds that people starting out think they need to be taking action but don’t stop and go off track. They need to tune in to what feels right for you and take inspired action. If we’re not sure, stop and get centered back in ourselves.
  • Clara believes having a strategic plan and systems in place to work smarter not harder are important habits to form
  • Debbie believes in self-care and to embrace learning opportunities when people/situations are not as you would like them to be. Find the gift in any irritating situation.
  • Debbie’s advice for the first step to finding what you love and how to make money doing it.
  • Clara’s advice for the first step to take is to do due diligence. Who else is doing your idea? Is there a market for it?

Clara Rose -
Debbie Clement-Large -

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